• How/where do I buy practice gear?
    • Practice gear and spirit wear can be can be purchased from Kris Tees
  • Where can I find upcoming events and how to volunteer?
    • You can find all events and team schedules on the website. Signups are also able to be accessed through the website.
  • Where can I find forms and documents?
    • You can find forms such as travel authorization, link to RankOne, etc on our Home page or by clicking this link.
  • When are team tryouts?
    • Both Men and Women’s soccer teams offer the opportunity for freshman to try out for both the class period in the Fall, and the squad in the Spring.  Tryouts for the class period will be during the first week of school, and tryouts for the squad will be held after school the week after Thanksgiving break.  
  • When is Meet the Team?
    • Usually Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday the week after squad tryouts.
  • What is practice like during off season?
    • The typical format is during class period:
    • Weights: twice a week
    • Play: twice a week
    • Once a week: soccer fun/character lessons/team bonding
  • What happens if a player misses practice?
    • Players must let the coaches know if they will be absent a day by 8:20am. They will have a make up for missing unless they are gone for soccer activity (club game, tournament, etc.).
  • Who do I contact regarding questions about players?
    • Coaches are the primary contact for questions regarding players.
  • Who do I contact regarding questions about the booster club (signups, general volunteering, website, etc.)?
  • How do parents get communication?
  • When does the season start
    • Calendars can be found on the website. Pre-season/scrimmages will be held in December and district games/tournaments will be in January.
  • Are there sponsorship opportunities for businesses and fundraisers for the team
    • Fundraisers are held to support the needs of the team in the fall and sponsorship options are available for businesses.  Please contact our Sponsorship Chair Kevin Krey, sponsorship@hebronsoccer.org if you are interested in a business sponsorship or click here for more details.